The huge white horse (now made permanent for posterity by a thick layer of concrete over the original chalk) is set into the steep
hillside beneath Bratton Camp at OS 89845160 in Wiltshire. Late in the summer of 2010 some intrepid grafittist sprayed 'WONKY'
in two metre high letters in black aerosol to the neck of the horse.
Fig 1: "WONKY' on the White Horse at Westbury
Access to the grafitti was acheived by dint of harness, rope and descender
Fig 2: Scrubbing grafitti with stainless steel wire brush.
The site is a SSSI and the use of chemical grafitti removal agents was not permissable . The paint was first manually scraped and
brushed and then subjected to high pressure steam from a Doff machine, generator powered, situated further up the bank.
After cleaning, the area was painted with Keim paint of the same colour as the original. This, of course, did not match the soiled
surrounding paintwork.
Fig 3: The White Horse after grafitti removal and subsequent painting.