I have worked as a conservator since training under Geoffrey Teychenne and Tony Steele at Weymouth College in 1985.
My first degree was in English Literature and I worked for some years as a Community Artist before going to Weymouth
to study Architectural Stone Carving- however 1985 was the first year they were offering a post-graduate Diploma in stone
conservation, so I changed courses.
Diploma in hand I was offered employment by Ian Constantinides at St. Blaise Ltd with whom I worked until the early 1990's
leaving St. Blaise as head conservator and contract manager. Highlight jobs with St. Blaise were the reconstruction of Prior
Park School mansion house plasterwork after severe fire damage and the building of a ruined temple to Mithras in the basement
of a Mayfair mews house in London.
Whilst with St. Blaise I undertook the 'Pigments and the Polarizing Microscope' course with Peter MacTaggart and 'Materials for
Conservation' led by Velson Horie at UCL. I also attended various conferences most notably that on stone cleaning held in
Edinburgh and Glasgow.
I left St. Blaise somewhat frazzled by the duties of a peripatetic contract manager having worked in Norfolk, Cornwall and
Guernsey within the space of five days as a typical week. One of the freehand modelers from Prior Park, John Toffee and myself
set up Kervaig Associates and worked as a partnership for the next seven years culminating in winning the 1999 RICS Conservation
Award for the creation of a new, freehand modeled plaster ceiling for Drake's Chamber in Buckland Abbey, Devon for the National
Trust. Other highlights of these years include reconstruction of Norwich Assembly Rooms, repairs to the chapel of the Black Castle,
Bristol and conservation of the Norman Tympanum at St. Nicholas' Church, Gloucester.
The partnership with John Toffee ended in the year 2000 and since then I have freelanced, often working with Nimbus Conservation
Ltd of Frome and of late, over the last four years, with the Butrint Foundation, working in Albania as lead conservator on the World
Heritage Site of Butrint. In 2007 I began a Phd at the University of Plymouth, but two children, course fees and the pressure of other
work soon brought me back to my senses and my academic ambitions have been, for the present, abandoned.
I have, however, in recent years taught at the University of Bristol and for UNESCO.
Apart from the brief descriptions above, this website will focus on the work I have undertaken in the last decade.
I am now actively seeking freelance work